The Young Ones
from tears of emptiness to tears of happiness

What We Do

We provide personalized Gift Boxes made up according to age and gender from items we buy and which generous people donate, to help put a smile on a child’s face.   We can also provide Emergency Boxes for those children in crisis.
Box contents vary according to need, as advised by the welfare organization ordering them and will include new and ‘as new’ items.
Gift Boxes are a created to delight a child and could include writing and colouring essentials, games and puzzles, toys and perhaps a cuddly special friend to bring a smile to a small child’s face or something a bit “cooler” for a teenager.
Emergency Boxes may contain clothes, school uniform or equipment and basic hygiene necessities for children in crisis. Their world may have turned upside down very suddenly and they could perhaps have arrived at a shelter with little but the basics and sometimes not even that.
The Young Ones
We provide personalized Gift Boxes made up according to age and gender from items we buy and which generous people donate, to help put a smile on a child’s face. We can also provide Emergency Boxes for those children in crisis.
Box contents vary according to need, as advised by the welfare organization ordering them and will include new and ‘as new’ items.
Gift Boxes are a created to delight a child and could include writing and colouring essentials, games and puzzles, toys and perhaps a cuddly special friend to bring a smile to a small child’s face or something a bit “cooler” for a teenager.
Emergency Boxes may contain clothes, school uniform or equipment and basic hygiene necessities for children in crisis. Their world may have turned upside down very suddenly and they could perhaps have arrived at a shelter with little but the basics and sometimes not even that.

What We Do